
Sharon's Journey

My Journey

During my life’s Journey I did not complete my Secondary school, S3 was the furthest I could get and my parents could not afford it. The only way I could get by was through doing some simple farming and odd jobs because I had to do whatever it took to survive. This is how I have lived for the longest time. Having to look after my three children on my own. My husband has not been in the picture for a while. I have been a pig farmer on and off for a while, It is so expensive to feed pigs which is why I often take a break but can’t give up on farming because this activity keeps me afloat. I want to sell my pigs to people who will give me a sensible amount of money. Not to middle men who I have to haggle with all the time and still end up with less money than I put in.


Mrs Kakande's Journey

My Journey

No one told me how expensive children were at my wedding. And I have 7. Two girls and five boys! Imagine raising 7 children on a teacher’s salary. Farming has always been my source of income, but farming is not easy. Most inputs are so expensive-feed, medicine and water is scares! Then there is the market for the produce. Prices constantly fluctuate and middlemen fleece us off. I appreciate the 3Pi model, they give me a sow, loan me feed, then buy off my pigs. I cannot ask for more peace. As a local leader in the community, I would love to see more female farmers supported like me.


Harriet's Journey

My Journey

When my husband died 5 years ago I was unemployed, with no source of income and the burden of looking after children. It was really hard to fend for all 7 of them especially the younger ones. At the time my youngest was 7. What made it worse that I had no academic credentials. When I left secondary school I studied nursing but sadly never completed my studies. I regret some of the decisions I made back then. We had some hard times a few years ago. I was lucky to have done some subsistence farming as a child and teenager. Farming is what gets food on the table. It what educates my kids. But I struggle to get it right. I can’t survive without the farming income. I am eager to learn so I can get it right.


Ezekiel's Journey

My Journey

My first exposure to pig farming was when I was a young man. My dad taught me what to do. Pig farmers those days used to tie their pigs to tree. No one had pig sty. Fast forward, I got back into this activity in 2011. National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) run a program and I was lucky, they taught me a lot about all sorts of farming. I realized I could get food and money. I was able to educate my children. I have grown to love farming. It has brought me several blessings. I moved out of my mud house, I now own a house made out of brick. Next project is to build houses for rent. I know the money I get out of farming will support this. The last time I did pig farming I managed to raise up to fifty pigs. Unfortunately African Swine Fever took them all. With you I intend to raise up to one hundred pigs. I know I can get there, because your feed and medical care is better than what I was exposed to before. Do you know how many services providers sell us fake food, which stunts the growth of the pig? There are so many thieves on the market that are looking to rip off farmers like me. But thank you for the support you have given me. I am exceptionally excited about the food and the consistent training and supervision. Today Noel (Program associate) was here. He seems very happy with me. Noel said thank you to me because am doing a good job.


Jamils's Journey

My Journey

My first exposure to pig farming was when I was a young man. My dad taught me what to do. Pig farmers those days used to tie their pigs to tree. No one had pig sty. Fast forward, I got back into this activity in 2011. National Agriculture Advisory Services (NAADS) run a program and I was lucky, they taught me a lot about all sorts of farming. I realized I could get food and money. I was able to educate my children. I have grown to love farming. It has brought me several blessings. I moved out of my mud house, I now own a house made out of brick. Next project is to build houses for rent. I know the money I get out of farming will support this. The last time I did pig farming I managed to raise up to fifty pigs. Unfortunately African Swine Fever took them all. With you I intend to raise up to one hundred pigs. I know I can get there, because your feed and medical care is better than what I was exposed to before. Do you know how many services providers sell us fake food, which stunts the growth of the pig? There are so many thieves on the market that are looking to rip off farmers like me. But thank you for the support you have given me. I am exceptionally excited about the food and the consistent training and supervision. Today Noel (Program associate) was here. He seems very happy with me. Noel said thank you to me because am doing a good job.


Gladys Journey

My Journey

I am a 46 mother of 6 who will do just about anything to make money and educate my kids. I didn’t go far in school, and I am determined to attend my children’s university graduation. I can't wait to see my girls graduate, the boys too, but can’t wait to see my girls on the podium in their gowns. My purpose on earth will be fulfilled. I have been a farmer since I was a little girl, everything taught to me by my grandparents. My husband supports this family, but my income fills in the gaps a lot. I am trying to improve the way I farm. 3Pi has been an eye opener, from the perfect sows they give me and the nutritious feed. My pigs are so healthy, you should see my piglets. I am so grateful that they offer me a direct link to market. My job is to raise the pigs right and sell them off. Just like that I have money in my bag.


Winnie's Journey

My Journey

I am a primary school teacher with 7 children. My salary can barely take care of me, let alone my children. Yes, my husband supports me but in this current Uganda one income is not enough. You need about 7 sources of income. That is my inspiration for farming. But farming is hard. Water is scarce, food is expensive and disease outbreaks never end. Even with strict bio security methods our pigs still fall sick, and the medication and treatment are not cheap. I am enjoying many of the subsidiary services 3Pi is giving me. The feed, medication and market have made my life a lot easier.


Diphus's Journey

My Journey

I am a 30-year-old Para vet with 2 children. Farming is my passion. Teach me anything in agriculture and I will get it right. Farming is what I studied; farming is a hobby farming is all I know. Subsistence farming continues to test my patience though! All of us continue to struggle with high cost of feed, medicine, water and disease outbreaks. Everyone says that farming is an easy way to make money, but cant wait to get that easy money. I am hoping that 3Pi is about to give me that break. I am in love with the sow breeds they give us, the training and continuous support. The thought that I never have to deal with a pork broker again has me smiling in my sleep.